Higher IVF cost in Patna

So, why IVF cost is higher in Patna has always been a question most people ask. However, before that is delved into, appreciating IVF as a whole, is necessary. A few years ago, IVF, also known as in-vitro fertilization, was frowned upon by many. It was seen as a clandestine procedure and method that people weren’t interested in. However, over the years, with many childless couples today being helped and making their dreams of parenthood a reality, through IVF, things have changed. Today, in India, Patna, the capital of Bihar, stands as the ideal location for most of the best IVF centers and clinics. No wonder many people from India and all parts of the world choose to have their IVF procedures done there.

Is IVF pregnancy a normal pregnancy?

The truth about IVF is that pregnancy achieved through IVF is a normal pregnancy. However, the process through which it comes about is always where the uniqueness is. Although the process of fertilization happens outside of the woman’s body, it doesn’t make the child an unnatural child. The embryo is immediately transferred into the mother’s uterus, her body accepts it, and the pregnancy is ruled out, and carried out like a natural pregnancy that everyone is familiar with. Although this doesn’t explain why IVF cost is higher in Patna, it proves that IVF works and has brought joy of parenthood into many individuals’ and couple’s lives worldwide. This makes it a very important innovation in the world of fertility.

So, why is the cost higher in Patna?

The ideal cost of IVF treatment in Patna is high. However, it is still quite affordable compared to other Western countries. The truth is, that the cost is dependent mostly on the factors considered during the case assessment and evaluation. That is why before you ask why IVF costs are higher in Patna, you need to find out what these costs comprise. IVF is a process that takes place in stages. It isn’t rushed and done all at once. It flows smoothly in a process like:

  • The ovarian stimulation stage.
  • The egg retrieval stage
  • The embryo transfer stage.

Each procedure might not be the same. This is because, as we all know all cases are different and unique in their own way, even with the above stages, other aspects come into play. These mostly include ultrasounds, lab studies and tests, blood tests, follicular observation, as well as drugs. That is why it is important for you as a couple to find out if the procedure quoted will involve all the other tests and methods or not. Always make inquiries before making any final decision.

What is the price range to look at?

Mostly, the basic in vitro fertilization cost currently in Patna ranges from INR 80,000 to INR 200,000. This cost range is per IVF cycle. Based on the experience of the doctor, the issues linked with infertility, the procedure that will be used, your medical history, and others. The truth is that, for some couples, this price range is still very high. That makes the IVF treatment for them unaffordable and in this way, they are not able to realize their dream of parenthood into reality. However, IVF cost depends upon the expertise and technology used by the best IVF Centre in Patna. The more advanced the technology used, the more will be the cost.


Since various tests are done for both the man and the woman, it means both partners play their roles. Also, different situations like if any partner needs the donor egg or sperm, can lead to the cost being high. That is also a factor to consider. However, it’s important to recognize that the cost should not deter you from pursuing the procedure. Saving towards it can help fulfill your aspirations of becoming a parent. This explains the higher expenses associated with IVF in Patna.