10 10, 2016

Sex during IVF treatment: Safe or not!

IVF (In vitro fertilisation) is a challenging procedure, which drains the patients physically, emotionally and financially. And it has another far reaching impact, which is that it takes toll of the sex life of the couple, particularly the females who have to bear the major brunt of the treatment. While sex becomes uncomfortable during the

3 10, 2016

The Male Biological Clock: Myth or Reality

When fertility is the topic being discussed, the female biological clock is a term that captures a good deal of attention because maternal age comes up as a principal issue in infertility problems. The biological clock roughly defines the deadline for motherhood, the internal tick-tock in the body of a woman, which marks the decline

22 09, 2016

All about premature labor and how is it linked with IVF?

The pregnancy period of nine months is the most amazing one for a couple expecting to see their dream materializing into a beautiful little bundle of joy. However, it can turn into a nightmare for women who go into labor earlier than expected, and scary as it is in a normal pregnancy, the stakes are

5 09, 2016

How to prevent IVF failure in subsequent attempt?

When a couple decides to take up IVF treatment as assisted reproductive technique, it means that they are going to live life on the edge for the coming months, or perhaps, years. The reason is that there is no guarantee that the first IVF cycle would be a success, in fact, the odds are not

1 09, 2016

How does thyroid dysfunction affect fertility?

Life can become miserable for couples who are trying to conceive but are not able to do so. It happens because it is not just the stress that plagues them, but also the nagging fear that they might never be able to bear their offspring. When results seem to be elusive after nearly 6 months
