The uterus is one of the most important reproductive organs of a woman because it carries the baby. As a result, uterine health is of great concern for a successful pregnancy. A large number of patients who come to infertility centres in Delhi are diagnosed with uterine issues. In fact, as many as 20% of infertility cases are attributed to these issues.

Most of the times, these problems can make embryo implantation a challenge. In others, the embryo does implant but the uterus is unable to carry a pregnancy till full term. However, a majority of uterine issues are easy to treat, provided they are diagnosed in time. A woman should, therefore, be aware and vigilant about them so that she can see an infertility specialist in Delhi as soon as she notices something amiss.

Here are some common uterine conditions that can make the uterus unfit for pregnancy:

Fibroids and Polyps

Fibroids and polyps are non-cancerous growths in the uterine walls. While fibroids are tumors made of muscle, polyps are overgrowth of the endometrium (the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus). These growths take up space inside the uterus and hamper implantation and growth of the embryo. The size may range from as small as a pea or a seed to a large as a small melon. In some cases, a fibroid may get attached to the outside of the uterus too.

Uterine fibroids and polyps are asymptomatic in many cases, which make them easy to miss. Sometimes, they may cause cramping and abnormal bleeding. They are diagnosed using a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test, a dye test that is a part of a routine fertility testing. Women with smaller ones can conceive but carrying a pregnancy full term may sometimes be a challenge. Surgical removal is the solution that is recommended by infertility centres in Delhi. Once a woman gets rid of these growths, she can attempt natural conception or opt for assisted techniques.


Endometriosis is another common condition that deprives the uterus of its ability to support pregnancy. Endometrium is the tissue which lines the inside of the uterus. A woman suffering from endometriosis experiences abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue in other abdominal organs. The scar tissue grows around the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel and other organs in the pelvic area. The condition hampers embryo implantation and is a major cause of female infertility.

Heavy and painful menstrual period can be the visible symptoms of endometriosis. However, it is common to have no symptoms at all. The condition is usually detected during pelvic examination and it can be confirmed with an ultrasound scan. Pain medications and hormonal therapy may be prescribed to relieve the symptoms. Surgical removal is the best alternative to treat endometriosis-induced infertility. The decision is entirely based on the severity of the condition and other related factors. It is best to see an experienced infertility specialist in Delhi to get the best recourse for these cases.

Asherman’s Syndrome

Asherman’s Syndrome is a uterine condition characterized by the growth of adhesions or scar tissue in the uterus. Usually, it can happen as a result of surgical procedure such as D & C or fibroid-removal surgery. Retained placenta after delivery can be another reason. The scar tissue can cause severe infertility by affecting the embryo implantation capacity of the uterus.

The common symptoms of the condition are absent periods, light or no bleeding, abdominal pain, and miscarriage. Advanced diagnostic tests like hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and sonohysterogram are used to confirm the presence of uterine adhesions. Women with the severe form of the syndrome have to undergo surgery to get rid of it. Subsequently, she can carry on her attempt for natural or assisted pregnancy.


Hydrosalpinx is basically a condition of the Fallopian tube but it affects the functionality of the uterus too. In the severest cases, tubal blockage may be accompanied by dilation and fluid-retention. The fluid may leak into the uterus and have an adverse effect of the protein expression of its lining. This can cause implantation problems as well as elevate the risk of miscarriage.

Hydrosalpinx is caused by sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea or Chlamydia, or severe endometriosis. The condition may be manifested by recurrent abdominal pain or it may not have any symptoms at all. A regular ultrasound or HSG test usually turns up its presence. The infertility centre in Delhi would recommend a surgical procedure of tying up the affected Fallopian tube for preventing the spilling of the liquid into the uterus. Surgical removal of the damaged tube may be needed when the damage is beyond repair.


Adenomyosis is a condition that results in heavy and painful periods. This happens because the uterus is bulky and tender due to the presence of uterine tissue in the muscle wall of the uterus. The condition is common in women who have been pregnant numerous times. Standard investigations are generally not useful for its diagnosis as it does not show up on an ultrasound scan. It can even go undetected in an endometrial biopsy and is confirmed only when the uterus is removed and examined after a hysterectomy.

Uterine Prolapse

When a woman suffers from uterine prolapse, the uterus is not able to sit up. Rather, it descends and can be felt lower down, sometimes reaching the vaginal opening. This usually happen when the supporting structures are weakened due to child-bearing and menopause. The condition is characterized by a dragging sensation and a prolapsed uterus can be actually felt as swelling during vaginal examination. Minor prolapse can be handled by a pelvic repair surgery but removal of uterus is the only alternative if the condition is serious. Ring pessaries are to be used for pelvic support if the woman is still to complete her family.

Timely diagnosis and treatment is of great importance for resolving uterine issues and preserving a woman’s fertility.  A woman should therefore be watchful about symptoms like heavy periods, menstrual pain and cramping. It is also important to take timely medical help.

Gaudium IVF is a renowned IVF Centre in Delhi which provides advanced and comprehensive treatment for all kinds of reproductive issues. Visit here for free second opinion from the award-winning infertility specialist in Delhi, India Dr Manika Khanna.