28 05, 2018

Low Sperm Quality Eat More Antioxidants!

Antioxidants may have an important role in reducing male infertility and sperm abnormalities according to recent studies. Oxidation stress in the semen is thought to be a major factor in the etiology of sperm dysfunction and DNA damage, and infertile-males often have lower antioxidant capabilities than fertile males. Antioxidants fight against oxidation stress by eliminating

8 05, 2018

Watch for these contributing factors towards your hormonal imbalance

When there is an imbalance in the sex hormones, serious health problems can occur that can even lead to infertility. Hormonal activity regulates growth, metabolism and sexual function and through these hormones the physical and psychological changes we go through at different stages of our lives are controlled. Any imbalance can lead to the development
