14 03, 2016

Blocked fallopian tubes: Can I still get pregnant?

Understanding what’s causing your infertility is the first step towards developing a positive outlook and seeking the right treatment from a trusted fertility specialist. One of the major causes of infertility in women is tubal factor infertility, more commonly known as blocked fallopian tubes, which affects nearly 20% of women facing infertility. Fallopian tubes are

2 03, 2016

Cervical mucus hostility: when an unwelcoming cervix won’t let you conceive

The cervix is the narrow, canal-like part of the uterus that lies between the uterus and the vagina. When a woman gives birth, the cervix dilates (expands) to allow the baby to pass through. Nature has bestowed the cervix with protective qualities that help prevent foreign particles from entering the uterine cavity. The cervical glands
